The UNM STEM-H Center is a diverse portfolio of dynamic, signature regional pre-college STEM competitions, professional development training, resource-rich websites, & equipment/curricula reaching thousands of students/educators annually and managed by a full-time staff of 2 along with a ½ time web developer/communications coordinator/instructional designer. The UNM STEM-H Center team manages the Central NM Science & Engineering Research Challenge (4th-12th Grades), the largest Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) “affiliated fair” in New Mexico, as well as the Central NM Science Olympiad (6th-12th Grades) and SW Region Junior Science & Humanities Symposium (9th-12th Grades in NM, southern CO, & west TX). The Center offers in-person and online Professional Development Training for K-12 STEM-H Educators as well as Student Researcher Training for 4th-8th Grade students annually. The STEM-H Center is also engaged in Policy & Advocacy Work focused on K-12 STEM-H education issues. The Center’s Director is currently on the board of the NM Partnership for Mathematics & Science Education, a member of the STEM NM Ecosystem Leadership Team, and on the Internal Grant Advisory Committee for the NSF CREST grant-funded UNM Center for Water & the Environment. The STEM-H Center team coordinates a small Equipment Lending Library/Resource Center containing small scientific/engineering equipment and curriculum resources that can be signed out free of charge by teachers, students, parents, informal STEM education organizations/programs, community groups, etc. Center staff are available to provide consultation to research faculty interested in developing meaningful, sustainable broader impacts plans around STEM-H education in the K-12 realm in their research grant applications as well as available to provide technical assistance to educators as they work on grant proposals for their classrooms. A significant part of the Center’s mission is to work strategically within and outside the University to affect positive, lasting change/improvement in the STEM-H education provided to K-12 students in New Mexico so they enter college/career with a solid foundation of STEM-H knowledge/skills which will allow them to be better informed, productive citizens whether in STEM-H related or other career fields.
UNM STEM-H Center's Website
You can find information about all of our competitions, training, and resources on this site. Have fun looking around! There's a lot to see...including a ton of downloadable STEM learning and research resource files for students, teachers, families, and community members.
Activity/Resource Website: https://stemed.unm.edu
Activity/Resource Website: https://hsc.unm.edu/stem-h/resources/downloads.html
Activity/Resource PDF: https://hsc.unm.edu/stem-h/_pdf/awesomeengineeringdesignprojects.pdf
Activity/Resource PDF: https://hsc.unm.edu/stem-h/_pdf/awesomesciresearchprojects.pdf
Contact Information
Erin Garcia, JD, MBA Cand.
Asst Director/Program Specialist